Module us_web_handler

Generic, Cowboy-compliant handler for US-Web.


Generic, Cowboy-compliant handler for US-Web.

This handler:

- provides static dispatches so that the (static) websites corresponding to the virtual hosts can be appropriately served; see the US-Web configuration file (e.g. priv/for-testing/us-web-for-tests.config), which holds the data relative to virtual hosts

- handles HTTP errors (notably 404 ones, thanks to a specifically-generated web page)

Note that this handler is mostly a library (a toolbox centralising helpers on behalf of the other handlers), knowing that its sole purpose as an handler is to act as a placeholder.

Data Types


bin_content_path() = file_utils:bin_file_path()

The (binary) path for a web content.


handler_module() = basic_utils:module_name()

Module to handle web content through dispatch rules (e.g. 'cowboy_rest').


handler_return() = {ok | handler_module(), cowboy_req:req(), handler_state() | error}



handler_state() = maybe(map())

State carried by the process in charge of a request, for most handlers.


http_status_code() = web_utils:http_status_code()


us_handler_state() = handler_state()

A US-Web specialised handler, a map which may notably contain entries with following keys:

- css_path: file_utils:bin_file_path(), a path relative to the content root of the corresponding virtual host pointing to the default CSS file to be used (e.g. for the 404 page)

- image_404 :: file_utils:bin_file_path(), a path relative to the content root of the corresponding virtual host pointing to an image (e.g. PNG) to be used when generating a 404 error page

Function Index

get_base_footer/0Returns a base HTML footer.
get_header/3Returns a suitable document header.
init/2Inits specified handler.
manage_access_log/3Manages specified handler access log.
manage_error_log/4Manages specified handler error log.
return_404/3Returns a suitable term to notify the request initiator that a 404 error was triggered (meaning that the requested content could not be found).

Function Details


get_base_footer() -> any()

Returns a base HTML footer.


get_header(Title, MaybeBinCssFile, MaybeBinIconFile) -> any()

Returns a suitable document header.


init(Req::cowboy_req:req(), HandlerState::handler_state()) -> handler_return()

Inits specified handler.

Typically called because a dispatch rule mentioned that module as a (debug) handler.


manage_access_log(HandlerReturn::handler_return(), HttpStatusCode::http_status_code(), HState::handler_state()) -> void()

Manages specified handler access log.

Access log facility offered to web handlers, taking advantage of the request-specific process in order to further parallelize their processing.


manage_error_log(Error::basic_utils:error_reason(), Req::cowboy_req:req(), BinFullFilePath::bin_content_path(), HState::handler_state()) -> void()

Manages specified handler error log.

Error log facility offered to web handlers, taking advantage of the request-specific process in order to further parallelize their processing.


return_404(Req::cowboy_req:req(), BinFullFilepath::bin_content_path(), HState::handler_state()) -> handler_return()

Returns a suitable term to notify the request initiator that a 404 error was triggered (meaning that the requested content could not be found).

Maybe this dynamic implementation could be too resource-demanding (prone to denial of service attack) and may be replaced with a static binary string (yet then copied to each per-request process), determined once for all.

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